liter in Norwegian

We got one translation of liter in English-Norwegian dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Singular: liter
  • Plural: liters

Anagrams for liter


Definitions of liter


1. Alternative spelling of dot=: One cubic decimeter.


1. The metric unit of fluid, equal to one cubic decimetre.

Examples of usage

  • I live in a country where the cost of a liter of petrol is cheaper than of a liter of water.
  • I live in a country where the cost of a liter of gasoline is cheaper than the cost of a liter of water.
  • My car gets about 13 kilometers per liter.
  • I drank a liter of coffee.
  • This bottle holds one liter.
  • How many kilometers per liter does the average car get?
  • Gasoline is sold by the liter.
  • A liter of milk and a dozen eggs, please.
  • Tom has a four-liter box of cheap wine in his fridge.
  • This car can go thirteen kilometers for every liter of gasoline.

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