Arctic in Swedish

We got four translations of Arctic in English-Swedish dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.


Similar translations

We also found the following translation(s) related to Arctic.


  • Positive: arctic
  • Comparative: arcticcer / more arctic
  • Superlative: arcticcest / most arctic


  • Singular: arctic
  • Plural: arctics

Definitions of Arctic


1. Of or pertaining to the Arctic.


1. Being extremely cold, snowy, or having other properties of extreme winter associated with the Arctic.
2. A region of the Earth above the Arctic Circle, containing the North Pole.

Examples with translation

  • She has finally reached the Arctic.
  • Hon har äntligen nått Arktis.

Examples of usage

  • The ice in the Arctic Sea is disappearing.
  • They set out on an arctic expedition.
  • Do you get penguins in the Arctic?
  • In the Arctic there are no penguins.
  • Are there many arctic foxes in the tundra?
  • Do penguins live in the Arctic?
  • They fly south from the arctic region.
  • She has finally reached the Arctic.
  • Michiko talks as if she had been to the Arctic herself.
  • The Arctic ice is shrinking because the ocean under the ice is warming.

Wikipedia says

  • The Arctic is the region around the Earth's North Pole, opposite the Antarctic region around the South Pole. The Arctic includes the Arctic Ocean (which overlies the North Pole) and parts of Canada, Greenland (a territory of Denmark), Russia, the United States, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland. The word Arctic comes from the Greek αρκτικός (arktikos), "near the Bear, arctic, northern" and that from the word άρκτος (arktos), which means bear.

Words similar to Arctic

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