bite in Danish

We got two translations of bite in English-Danish dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation.



  • Infinitive: (to) bite
  • Present: bite / bites
  • Preteritum: bit
  • Perfektum: (have) bitten


  • Singular: bite
  • Plural: bites

Definitions of bite


1. The act of biting.
2. The wound left behind after having been bitten.
3. The swelling of one's skin caused by an insect's mouthparts or sting.
4. A piece of food of a size that would be produced by biting; a mouthful.
5. Something unpleasant.
6. An act of plagiarism.
7. A small meal or snack.
8. aggression.
9. The hold which the short end of a lever has upon the thing to be lifted, or the hold which one part of a machine has upon another.
10. A cheat; a trick; a fraud.
11. A sharper; one who cheats.
12. A blank on the edge or corner of a page, owing to a portion of the frisket, or something else, intervening between the type and paper.


1. To cut off a piece by clamping the teeth.
2. To hold something by clamping one’s teeth.
3. To attack with the teeth.
4. To behave aggressively; to reject advances.
5. To take hold; to establish firm contact with.
6. To have significant effect, often negative.
7. To bite a baited hook or other lure and thus be caught.
8. To accept something offered, often secretly or deceptively, to cause some action by the acceptor.
9. To sting.
10. To lack quality; to be worthy of derision; to suck.
11. To plagiarize, to imitate.


1. To hold something by clamping one's teeth.
2. The act of biting with the teeth and jaws.
3. The wound left behind after having been bitten by an animal or person.
4. A small amount of solid food; a mouthful.

Examples with translation

  • Does your dog bite?
  • Bider din hund?
    Bider hunden?
    Bider jeres hund?
  • Where did you bite them?
  • Hvor bed du dem?
  • Take a bite.
  • Tag en bid!
  • Tom had to bite the bullet.
  • Tom måtte bide i det sure æble.
  • I'll bite the bullet.
  • Jeg kommer til at bide i det sure æble.
  • Bite the bullet.
  • Bid i det sure æble.
  • She took a bite of the apple.
  • Hun tog en bid af æblet.
  • Barking dogs don't bite.
  • Hunde, der gør, bider ikke.

Examples of usage

  • As soon as you bite that sandwich, you'll know how good it is.
  • That dog is about to bite!
  • If you see me, come and say hello. I don't bite.
  • I needed snow chains to make the tires bite.
  • For homeowners with adjustable rate mortgages, rising interest will really bite.
  • Are the fish biting today?
  • I've planted the story. Do you think they'll bite?
  • These mosquitoes are really biting today!
  • This music really bites.
  • You don't like that I sat on your car? Bite me.
  • He always be biting my moves.
  • That snake bite really hurts!
  • After just one night in the jungle I was covered with mosquito bites.
  • There were only a few bites left on the plate.
  • That's really a bite!
  • That song is a bite of my song!
  • I'll have a quick bite to quiet my stomach until dinner.
  • If you bite me, I'll bite back.
  • A dog bite is more serious than a mosquito bite.
  • An ant can bite an elephant's butt, but an elephant can't bite an ant's.
  • Does your dog bite?
  • Let's have a bite to eat.
  • He ate one bite, and then another.
  • Tom won't bite.
  • Who did my dog bite?
  • OK, I'll bite.
  • Don't sic a dog on others or he might bite you.

Wikipedia says

  • A bite is a wound received from the mouth (and in particular, the teeth) of an animal, including humans. Animals may bite in self-defense, in an attempt to predate food, as well as part of normal interactions. Other bite attacks may be apparently unprovoked.

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